I spent this past weekend on retreat with Be Yoga, and had a fantastic time! Here are some resources based on questions I was asked both during and after my lecture practice on seasonal Ayurveda.

How to keep in touch with me

Facebook, Instagram I promise baby pictures when she arrives! Also, if I have any classes or events at Be Yoga, they’ll definitely be on my facebook.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Coaching at Be Yoga

I offer ayurvedic lifestyle coaching at Be Yoga. Email me, kaitlinjlacey at gmail.com and we can set up some one on one sessions and dive deeper into what habits will benefit your body and life the most.

Abhyanga, self oil massage directions:


Some of you asked about seasonal detox. Here’s a link to sign up (this is an affiliate link) for the detox that I’m mentoring in October with Cate Stillman at Yogahealer. It’s a “choose your own adventure” kind of program where you can decide from an array of options how deep you want to go, and for how long. There’s tons of support and a great community!


Lots of you asked about natural deodorant, what works, and what doesn’t. I’ll be honest, the transition from antiperspirant to natural deodorant can be stinky, and it usually takes a couple of weeks before your body adjusts. This is what I use, Native Deodorant (affiliate link). It contains natural bacteria to help balance out the odor causing bacteria. The scents are light and pleasant, and I happen to prefer a stick instead of a paste, so this is an easy fit for me.

Where can I learn more about ayurveda?

A number of students this weekend expressed an interest in learning more about ayurveda.
The book we used this weekend is The Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook, by Kate O’Donnell. It’s got great general info around ayurveda, and the recipes are mostly pretty easy and don’t require tons of ingredients.
I also recommend Body Thrive, by Cate Stillman, who is my teacher. This book is all about integrating dinacharya, or the daily rhythms of ayurveda practice, into your life.
If you’re not looking for a huge commitment, but do want to spend a few hours diving a little deeper into ayurveda, here’s an upcoming program that’s got 7 hours of online content and 3 in person sessions. The in person sessions are in Indian Land, SC.