It’s easy to view reiki as something that someone gives you, like a haircut or a massage. However, reiki also works well when you do it yourself (unlike cutting your own hair). The basic elements of a personal reiki practice are giving yourself treatments and saying the reiki principles. These two pieces can bring about amazing transformation when used consistently.
Just like eating healthy, exercising, meditating, or anything else, your reiki practice can only help you if you actually practice (my yogis will recognize the quote to the right). So the first order of business is to make room for it. If you can take time to sit quietly and reiki yourself that’s wonderful. I try to give myself a full session at least once a week. For those other days I give myself reiki when I’m going to sleep or waking up. It’s informal, takes little effort, and doesn’t eat at my day. You can also give yourself reiki while driving, standing in line, or talking on the phone to name a few options. As long as you’ve got a free hand to place over your abdomen or heart you’re all set. I often reiki myself when I’m having a difficult conversation. It helps me to respond from my best self instead of reacting with fear.
The other key piece to a strong reiki practice is saying the principles. They have been an amazing tool for reprogramming the way that I think about and react to life. The aspect of thinking about things just for today helps me to be in the moment. How can I be peaceful, grateful, kind, and useful today, right now? The more often I say the principles, the more I remember them in the moment, and the more I am able to consciously change my thoughts from the ones that torture me, to the ones that inspire me.
Reiki Principles
Just for today I will not anger, Just for today I will not worry,
Just for today I will do my work honestly,
Just for today I will be kind to myself and every living thing,
Just for today I will be grateful and humble.
-Mikao Usui
- Make space for reiki in your day (be creative)
- Post the principles where you’ll see them
- If you miss a few days, or weeks, begin again